Near the end of the second lap, a lone Austrian rider was about 10 seconds up the road and Andy burned a match to get up to him. Eventually two other guys came up to them, too, and Andy was trading pulls at 500+ watts. When they hit the climb for the second time, Andy came out of it. All I saw, spectating on the side of the road, was the break motoring up the climb, then about 10 - 15 seconds back the Italians stringing out the field in what looked like a full on sprint (uphill, mind you), and andy moving backwards at the front of it all, redfaced with a grimace, saying "I came out of the break." Sadly I know all too well what that heartbreak is like.
A fellow American & regular on the SE circuit, Dirk Pohlmann, did manage to make it to the break, which eventually grew to 7 strong. At the sprint I saw Dirk at the front but he was crushed by the big Austrian who had initiated the break (last year's world champion as well!) So, Andy was disappointed he didn't make the winning break, but happy that an American (and fellow southeasterner) took 2nd.
I took this picture of Andy coming up the climb just before I handed him a feed - I'm quite impressed with my handiwork.
Everyone rushing to the line, all 183 of them. You have to get your number checked off on a clipboard before you can go to the line, so they send people through 1 by 1.