Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sun Feb 19, 2006

2 hrs / 30 miles

easy tandem ride with cara.....

Sat Feb 18, 2006

Tundra TT Near Atlanta GA.

Ahhh the beautiful trophy. First race of the year a 9.5 mile TT on the Silver Comet trail near Atlanta. It was a cold , damp morning, but the rain held off. I felt pretty stong. Legs were good even though it was a bit of a shock to do the first race effort of the are the metrics:

tundra TT:
Duration: 20:51
Work: 449 kJ
TSS: 43.6 (intensity factor 1.121)
Norm Power: 359
Distance: 9.252 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 874 359 watts
Heart Rate: 103 200 164 bpm
Cadence: 43 115 89 rpm
Speed: 8.8 31.6 26.6 mph

I was happy with the effort and got the cool trophy to boot...I even got to open a champagne bottle and spray what was left of the cold people hanging about. Cara had a decent ride, but crashed at the turnaround...ooops. After the race we went to Ikea in, that took more out of me than the race...what a madhouse!

Feb 15-17 2006

Back to the data for a few days....sorry ....

Wed Feb 15th
TT bike - river
Entire ride (229w):
Duration: 2:10:57
Work: 1798 kJ
TSS: 127 (intensity factor 0.763)
Norm Power: 244
Distance: 45.936 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 903 229 watts
Heart Rate: 0 252 127 bpm
Cadence: 30 184 90 rpm
Speed: 0 38.5 21.1 mph

Thurs Feb 16th
Entire ride (190w):
Duration: 3:12:06
Work: 2189 kJ
TSS: 144.8 (intensity factor 0.672)
Norm Power: 215
Distance: 55.915 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 442 190 watts
Heart Rate: 0 229 124 bpm
Cadence: 29 142 88 rpm
Speed: 0 41.4 17.5 mph

Fri Feb 17th
TT bike riceville Rd
Entire ride (190w):
Duration: 3:12:06
Work: 2189 kJ
TSS: 144.8 (intensity factor 0.672)
Norm Power: 215
Distance: 55.915 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 442 190 watts
Heart Rate: 0 229 124 bpm
Cadence: 29 142 88 rpm
Speed: 0 41.4 17.5 mph

Friday, March 24, 2006

Feb 14, 2006

Feb 14, 2006 2.75 hrs, 48 miles / 1702 Kj

Easy/moderate ride out through Fairview out to Rt9, Black Mtn. and home. I hit it a little on some hills, but mostly kept the pace HR zones 1-2. Legs feel a bit sore fom yesterdays weights and intervals.

Fe 13, 2006

Feb 13, 2006 / 1.25 hrs / 25 miles / 953 Kj

I did a nice heavy weight workout this morning, then intervals on the trainer in the evening. It was wicked cold outside all day so I decided to get some TT intervals in on the computrainer. I did a bit of a test: First I warmed up on the road bike and calibrated the computrainer. Next I rode at a few different effort levels for several minutes at a time. The new SRM seems to match perfectly with the CT. Then I mounted up the TT bike, warmed it up for about the same amount of time and re-calibrated. It was immediately evident that the old SRM is reading WAY low. Between 40-50 watts low! I did 5 x 5 min CP30 efforts with 2 minute recoveries. Averaging between 340-350 watts each. After loading the data I messed around with the slope of the old SRM until I came up with numbers that matched the efforts. Now I have a ballpark idea of where the slope needs to be set…but I will have to go through a real calibration process to get it exact. Not a lot of workout time today…but a killer good workout.

Feb 7-12 , 2006

Feb 7 tues:
Entire ride (217w):
Duration: 3:16:15
Work: 2553 kJ
TSS: 197 (intensity factor 0.776)
Norm Power: 248
Distance: 66.232 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 707 217 watts
Heart Rate: 0 254 137 bpm
Cadence: 29 140 90 rpm
Speed: 0 38.3 20.3 mph
Torque: 0 885 212 lb-in

Feb 8 wed:
Entire ride (195w):
Duration: 5:13:00
Work: 3665 kJ
TSS: 251.7 (intensity factor 0.695)
Norm Power: 222
Distance: 91.35 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 705 195 watts
Heart Rate: 0 254 125 bpm
Cadence: 30 162 86 rpm
Speed: 0 41.3 17.5 mph
Torque: 0 748 196 lb-in

Feb9 thurs - easy riceville road loop - TT bike
Entire ride (188w):
Duration: 59:09
Work: 668 kJ
TSS: 45.2 (intensity factor 0.677)
Norm Power: 217
Distance: 18.97 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 566 188 watts
Heart Rate: 0 251 126 bpm
Cadence: 29 124 87 rpm
Speed: 0 33.1 19.3 mph
Torque: 0 737 195 lb-in

Feb 10 fri: - with Justin England and Lauren legs were DEAD today I suffered the entire time and Justin was riding like he was not even working.....damn
Entire ride (188w):
Duration: 4:18:36
Work: 2914 kJ
TSS: 216.7 (intensity factor 0.709)
Norm Power: 227
Distance: 77.103 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 571 188 watts
Heart Rate: 0 254 123 bpm
Cadence: 30 195 86 rpm
Speed: 0 49.8 17.9 mph
Torque: 0 946 192 lb-in

ok, more of this data only is WAYYYY too boring.

Feb 11, 2006 / 0 hours / 0 miles

Bad weather and bad legs. After feeling so bad on the ride yesterday I took the day completely off. I had planned to get a weight workout in, but decided my legs needed some full recovery…probably a good idea. And since it was wet/cold/freezing rain/ snow outside it was a good day for it.

Feb 12, 2006
/ 4.5 hrs / 80 miles / tandem

After the snow yesterday and last night as well as cold and high winds, we decided to take the tandem down to Greenville and ride the Tigerville metric century loop. It was windy, but at least 10 degrees warmer than Asheville. Just after we started Cara announced that she lost our cue sheet. No worries, we knew the first 40 miles and the course seemed well marked. No problems for the first 2/3 of the ride and we got through it pretty quickly and comfortably. As we hit out on the last 25 miles I noticed that the arrows we were following looked a little different….but they were nice big white arrows on the road…how could we go wrong? Well….let me tell you: after flying along with a huge tailwind and mostly rolling downhill we finally decided that we must be following a different course. Who knows where it would lead. We finally turned around. I was dreading it…I knew we would have to pound uphill into a headwind for a LONG time. So we did. I was a bit…angry…. About the situation, but I didn’t say much I just rode harder. Cara later told me that she did the same….so while we were into a 20 mph wind we kept up clost to 20mph most of the way back. When we finally got back to the car we had done over 15 extra miles and were out about an hour longer than we planned. All was good once we got loaded up and had the heat warming us. Of course just as we were changing….Cara FOUND the lost cue sheet somewhere in her pocket! Oh well..I can’t complain that we got an extra solid hour of riding in. We seem to finally be getting better at standing while riding the tandem. I think it has taken us so long to get it because we have both been riding singles so long and have our own styles. It has taken us a while to adapt them to the team.

Weekly Summary: 20.5 riding hours / 380 miles

Feb 6, 2006 Mon

Entire ride (189w):
Duration: 2:20:33
Work: 1597 kJ
TSS: 101.7 (intensity factor 0.659)
Norm Power: 211
Distance: 46.245 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 609 189 watts
Heart Rate: 0 254 124 bpm
Cadence: 30 112 85 rpm
Speed: 0 36.7 19.8 mph

I sure can't remember exacly what I did this day...but the data says it all....

Jan 30-Feb 5, 2006

Jan 30 mon: 35 miles - 1.75 hrs - Black Mountain on TT bike

Jan 31 tues: 56 miles - 3 hrs - back route to Marshall...home on river

Feb 1 Wed: 99 miles - 6 hrs - Lake lure loop counter clockwise with Larry Perrera....nice day

Feb 2 thurs: 65 miles - 3.8 hrs - rode tandem solo, picked up cara @ biltmore park then did 2.5 hrs with her. Dropped her off and rode solo, riding the tandem solo is interesting. I think if I work on some climbing with the 40 pound bike I might feel fast on the single bike :)

Feb 3 fri : 80 miles - 3.25 hrs - Bat Cave with Lauren

Feb 4 sat: 40 miles - 2.25 hrs - fist day of intervals for the season...did 2 x 15 up folk Art @ about 340 watts avg each....ouch cold and even some snow/freezing rain on the ride.

Feb 5 sun: 73 miles - 4.3 hrs - Tandem w/ Cara down in Greenville. We tried to do the full Tigerville Century loop. Once we climbed up the watershed into North Carolina we realized how much this ride absolutely kicked our butts. We bypasesed the last 25 miles of the ride because we were completely defeated...cold day, but it was still a great ride. Tandeming is so different than riding alone...something everyone should at least try.

Week Summary: 26.35 hours plus 1 hr weights (27.35 hrs total) / 448 miles

Jan 23-29, 2006

Jan 23 Mon: 31 miles easy 1.5 hrs / weight workout

Jan 24 Tues: 96 miles 5.75 hrs - Hot Springs/Doggett loop

Jan 25 Wed: 45 miles 2.25 hrs / weight workout

Jan 26 Thurs: 16 miles 1 hour easy ride - then up to Boone for baseline & Vo2 max testing
Vo2 max was a mediocre 64, body fat is 9% , power @ Vo2 & threshold was not so good...I'm not even gonna post it because I felt crappy and definitely didn't come up with good numbers...but at least the VO2max should be accurate :)

Jan 27 Fri: 67 miles 3.75 hrs - Black Mtn - Bat cave loop / weight workout

Jan 28 Sat: 96 miles 5.25 hrs - Doggett Hotsprings again this time with Rich Harper....he KILLED me today, I sufferered hard the last hour

Jan 29 Sun: 76 miles 4.25 hrs - South over Terry's Gap , Bear Wallow and Rose I got back at Rich as he bonked about an hour from home :)

Week Summary: 24.5 hrs bike / 27.5 hrs including weights / 427 miles

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

sorry! about dropping the ball. My intent when starting this blog was to stay on top of things and really keep the updates frequent. I blew that one. Heavy workload, travel and illness have all contributed to my lack of posting. Hopefully that will change and I will get back to it. I have lots of info and data on paper and in files...I'll try to get the blog updated soon! I guess I have not been too worried since I have not really told but a few people I was starting this blog...maybe I should tell everyone I know ...then it would put pressure on me to keep up with it..